Monday, October 15, 2007

Selection-Rejection Similarities

With my three alternate solutions completed, I now have to decide what the best solution for my project is. First I will discuss the elements in each idea that are similar or even the same. I will then go through the pros and cons of each of the ideas. Afterwards I will use this information to choose my final solution.
Throughout the three ideas, there are a few techniques and scenes that show up in them all. One of the scenes is the business meeting. It appears in the first or second scene in every different design. It is a relatively short scene that opens with a fade in, although there are different techniques for ending it in the different ideas. The scene consists of almost all dialogue between the characters. Another consistent thing in the movie is the house scene(s). The different ideas don’t have the same amount of scenes, but they all are pretty similar in the events that take place there. Given my limited budget, I plan on using extras as of right now.

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